A fight over a nest cavity

I have been watching a particular nest cavity when I do my birding rounds at CBEC. This particular cavity is what the Red-headed Woodpeckers used last year for two clutches.

03-15-24 - I stopped by and heard Northern Flickers in the territory drumming and vocalizing.

04-05-24 - I saw the flicker working on the cavity. Excellent, a family of flickers would be a great addition.

Nest Visit - Sadly I saw a European Starling poke its head out of the cavity. They seem to be taking over all of the cavities in the area.

04-16-24 - I stop by and to my shock I see BOTH a squirrel and a flicker come out of the cavity (sorry I didn’t get a picture of that).

04-22-24 - I stop by again and see the flicker poking his head out. Looks like the squirrel lost.

04-23-24 - Today I witness a very interesting behavior -

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