Magee Marsh Trip 2024

This year’s trip to Magee Marsh was planned for 6-9 May, to coincide with the Biggest Week in American Birding (festival). In past years my flight arrival time allowed for time to get some birding in on the first day, but not the case this year. Between the later arrival time and the long wait at the rental car (very poor service), it was already evening. The forecast for the following day was not great, calling for a cool cloudy day with rain in the afternoon. The next day I arrived at the famous Magee Marsh Boardwalk at about 7:15am.

I spent the next 2.5 hours there, I saw 33 species including 11 warbler species.

Most prevalent were the Yellow Warblers (select the image to enlarge) -

I’ll have to say I’ve been a little concerned about the timing of this trip. It is earlier than last year and last year was a little too early. This is when they planned the birding festival though. It has been a cool spring which just adds to my concern. As I was loading up my car to go to the airport I was stopped in my tracks by the sound of a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, I’ve never heard one in my neighborhood. I also heard a Northern Paula, a Yellow Warbler and a Back-throated Blue Warbler. It was a High migration night last night and it showed. It was tough to leave. It was a High night for Ohio as well, so I sure hope the birding and weather there will be even better……

Prothonotary Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Northern Parula

I decided to leave the boardwalk and check out the area around the Visitor’s Center. It turned out the trees near the parking lot were great birding. I spent the next 1.5 hours there. I saw 17 species including an additional 4 warbler species.

- Select the arrows below to move through the images -

I joined birding friends of mine and we went to Ottawa Nature Preserve for a quick walk as the dark clouds were coming in. I decided to go to the Maumee Bay Lodge & Conference Center to pick up my festival material. It then began to rain, they were calling for a bad storm. I decided to head back to the hotel and review my pictures, calling it a short day. Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful!

Well it looks like I will not be enjoying the beautiful day - Sadly a medical issue cut my trip short, it was hard to tear myself away. Two days of travel for about 5 hours of birding.

42 species / 15 species of warblers

  1. Northern Waterthrush

  2. Black & White Warbler

  3. Prothonotary Warbler

  4. Common Yellowthroat

  5. American Redstart

  6. Northern Parula

  7. Magnolia Warbler

  8. Blackburnian Warbler

  9. Yellow Warbler

  10. Palm Warbler

  11. Yellow-rumped Warbler

  12. Tennessee Warbler

  13. Nashville Warbler

  14. Cape May Warbler

  15. Black-throated Green Warbler